Sequim custom log home builders–how many are there, and are they all the same? There are many, including some one-man shows, but they are most certainly not building the same quality of log homes. Here’s what is interesting. The average couple that walks through two log homes, one that is a high-quality custom log home and the other a mediocre custom log home, will have a predictable response. Approximately 85% of good people who walk through both homes will not be able to differentiate the quality. They will walk through both log homes and say in each of the homes the same thing, “This is nice. Very nice.” I learned it takes a trained eye to recognize the differences, but once you see the differences, they are glaring.
Why do I say this? Because in 30 years in the real estate business, this is what I have observed. As a real estate attorney for 20 years, I saw many clients who came to see me about the same problems with their builders. Building a log home should be an exciting experience with a happy ending, but for most, it is not. Ask 100 people who had their homes built by a builder, and you will find out this is true.
By the way, every builder has at least one happy client, but one should not extrapolate from one or a few happy clients that a builder is the best or the one you should hire. There is so much more to the story of finding the right builder.
I have a passion for helping people make good decisions and avoid nightmare scenarios, and part of that is to help people realize there is a gigantic difference between home builders. Many people are aware of this generally, but they don’t know how to select a builder and they pick the wrong one. By the time they realize that it is far too late to get off the bucking bronco.
I heard a man who works at a bank say recently that “such and such a builder” is well known as being the top premier builder in the area. I didn’t correct him, but as a local attorney and Realtor I knew of many clients who had hired that builder and now say things like one did last week, “I would not have [such and such a builder] build me a dog house.” That woman should know, because she hired that builder and she regretted it.
There is a trail of devastation behind several builders, but there is one builder I know of who has no history of dissatisfied customers. This builder has a higher percentage of absolutely ecstatic clients than any other builder in all of Yellowstone. Period. No builder comes close in customer satisfaction. None. I’m a Realtor now, but for years I saw unhappy clients from other builders, but never from this one builder.
Who is the one builder who builds the highest quality homes in Yellowstone and who has a higher percentage of truly happy customers than any other builder? I guarantee it is Rick Anderson of Anderson Homes, LLC. He’s been a log home builder here since 1981 with over 400 homes under his belt. The man is honest, has integrity, and will not compromise quality. But what surprises clients is how much they enjoy the process with Rick from the beginning of the planning to completion and the walk-through.